Top 5 coolest skyscrapers

Modern skyscrapers have been somewhat of a receipt of a country’s wealth. High rise building thrives in the Middle east and in cities of China. From the outside, skyscrapers look beautiful with their lightening silhouettes, but the key is how it looks inside, its function and what the building means for the whole.

tom cruise khalifa#5 Burj Khalifa 829.8 m.

The highest building in the world, The tower is named after Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan who is the President of the United Arab Emirates, the Emir of Abu Dhabi and the commander of the Union Defence Force. He basically own the middle east so of course he have the tallest building ever build by mankind named after him. This building is almost as cool as it gets, not to mention Tom  Cruise and his memorable stunts in the film Mission impossible 4.

NWIL-0004-0008#4 KK100, 441.8 m

The worlds 11th highest building in the world is in Shenzhen, China. This slick beauty is truly underrated and not very famous even tough it has all qualification to get its recognition. As the different with many other high buildings you can actually go all the way to the top where they have a very comfy and nice cocktail bar. The bar have good service with trained staff where you can get a singapore sling for 8 bucks and drink it in one of their many sofas and relax areas with a killer view that is second to none.

IMG_3059-1#3 Eiffel Tower, 324 m

Basically not a “skyscraper” but c’mon it’s the Eiffel Tower so who gives a fuck.


DSC_3507#2 Petronas Towers, 451.9

Who remember Sean Connery and Catherine Zeta-Jones sliding down the building in the movie Entrapment? Not many people do, anyway. This building is iconic for the city of Kuala Lumpur and maybe the only mainstream landmark of the country.

657be72853b4e0adcbc1b91efbbe6080-1#1 Empire state building, 381 m

When King Kong climbed the building in 1933, it was the start of what would become the world’s most famous building. The iconic building is more then a building, it symbolizes success, vision and hope for the future. The building has become a landmark of New York and a hallmark that anything is possible with a empire state of mind.